Winning proposal
Järvastaden AB
Project group
Jonas Berglund
Järvastaden, Stockholm
Anders Thessing, where not otherwise stated
Se bilder

Providing a refined take on the cultivated landscape and with the aim of intensifying the experience of orchestrated views through the use of architectural elements like pavilions, bridges, doorways, and gates, the design of Spegeldammsparken draws on the classical landscape parks of the Romantic era for its central motifs. On a casual stroll through the park, the visitor is met by a veritable procession of new views and aspects, which present themselves as if emerging from “backstage.” The park is a space for residents of the growing area of Järvastaden to gather, and it is composed of three separate (albeit connected) parts: the nature link, the square,and the park. The park takes up the attributes of an urban park—perennial flowerbeds, a small arboretum,pavilions with seating, a little playground, and a central reflecting pool that treats local stormwater—interpreting them anew. The park is directly connected to a small square, and together, the park and square compose a local neighborhood center.