Campus Albano
First prize, in collaboration with BSK Architects and CCO Architects
Akademiska hus, Svenska bostäder
Project group
Göran Lindberg, Stina Hellqvist, Helena Emrani, Erik Ståhlbom, Tommy Roman
2006 – ongoing
Albano, Stockholm
BSK Arkitekter, where not otherwise stated
See pictures

Albano, a former industrial area directly north of Roslagstull in Stockholm, is currently being converted to accommodate a new university district, a redevelopment which is to be completed by 2024. Strategically located between the Frescati campus of Stockholm University, the Royal Institute of Technology, and Karolinska Institute, the new Campus Albano will effectively unite these three tertiary institutions, constituting the central node in the Stockholm Science City cluster.

The landscape design for Campus Albano draws upon the site’s unique position within both the Royal National City Park and the cultural heritage landscape that surrounds the lake Brunnsviken. The landscape plays a fundamental role in structuring the campus environment, binding it together spatially, socially, and ecologically. As such, the master plan prioritizes views across the site and coherence with surrounding areas. The design aims to create an inviting and experience-rich public space, which supports social life on campus.

Nivå landskapsarkitektur